Monday, November 25, 2013

Office Space of the Day


Well, it's Monday again!  There's something about Mondays...I know most people have a love/hate relationship with them.  While we hate that the weekend is over, there is just something refreshing about a new start, a new week--you get another chance to get something done.  I'm working from home my mother's spare bedroom these days but I would much rather be working in Lauren Conrad's office.  You remember her from The Hills, right?

Designer: Domaine  Type: Commercial Office  Client:  Fashion designer, reality t.v. star and author, Lauren Conrad's Paper Crown fashion label headquarters Why I love this office: It's bright, clean, a little vintage and streamlined with a floor plan designed for conversation and collaboration.   My favorite accessory has got to be that gold typewriter!



It's a short work week with the holiday, but I'm determined to get lots done!  Bruce and I just reached our first benchmark on a business project and fell a little short of our goal so I'm going to keep pushing this week to meet it.  I'm hoping to solidify 2 new clients so that I continue my consulting work when I finally move to VA.
Any big goals you've set for the week?  Any projects you've been working on?

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