Happy Monday!
My countdown has begun. T minus 3 days until I get to see Bruce! He was supposed to arrive last Friday, however, three days before he was scheduled to fly out, the Navy changed plans and pushed his arrival out by a week. I'm getting better at this--I wasn't devastated this time around (click here for a recap of my meltdown two weeks ago). Instead, I decided that it wasn't worth the stress. In fact, I've decided that I'm no longer going to stress about ANY thing that I have absolutely no control over. Actually, it's more like I realized I cannot afford it. Don't laugh, but this lesson didn't click in until Friday night when I caught myself staring in the bathroom mirror---I'm convinced that worry and stress from these past two years has caused the millions of gray hair that all of a sudden popped up in my head. I don't mean to be vain, and I do love a full head of silver fox, however, I'm not ready to rock that look yet! Heck, I'm only 31!
In all seriousness, naturally, I am a worrier. I worry like my life depends on it. If I'm not currently worrying about something, I'm looking for the next thing to worry about...the next thing to fix. So, the freedom in embracing and taking this stance in my life is indescribable.
This is a lesson that was long overdue so I thank God for growth!
Make it a great day
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