Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ikea Hacks!!!!

Ikea continuously proves over and over to me why it is THE furniture store of the century.  Seriously.  Not only does Ikea offer really inexpensive furniture and accessories, but it has started a new movement of Ikea hackers.  I would describe Ikea hackers as creative, ordinary people who don't want to spend that much money but want to have one of a kind, cool furniture pieces. They're like you and me!

I have always been a fan of reworking furniture and today, I came across some Ikea hacks that I'm adding to my DIY inspiration board. Literally, hackers take an Ikea piece of furniture and transform it from this...
MALM 6-drawer dresser IKEA Extra roomy drawers. Smooth running drawers with pull-out stop.
to this...

IKEA Malm dresser hack with overlays

Amanda of Amanda Carol at Home started out with a basic Ikea Malm 6-drawer ($140) dresser in white.


Add some overlays (you can find some at My Overlays for really reasonable prices), slap on some gold leaf spray paint and viola!

Here's another grecian key overlay...

Nancy Marcus over at Marcus Design took some cues from my favorite designer Dorothy Draper and reworked her Ikea Rast Dresser into this Draper inspired night stand

You can check out her tutorial here

The Abundant Abode used nail heads and a custom marble top to rework that same Ikea Rast.  Step by step tutorial here

bedroom makeover @craft sisters. ikea rast hack.
Crafty Sisters

This one has to be my favorite! 

Did any of these get your wheels spinning on a DIY of your own?

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